This is an adapter that makes a Portlet look like a Channel. org.jasig.portal.channels.portlet.CPortletAdapter 1 Portlet Definition Enter the Portlet Definition ID. portletDefinitionId 40 2000 testsuite.TestPortlet1 The syntax for the portlet definition ID is the name of the portlet application context name, followed by a period, followed by the name of the portlet as defined in the portlet deployment descriptor (portlet.xml). For example, if the portlet is located in a file called \n\nMyPortletApp.war\n\n and the portlet has a name of \n\nMyFirstPortlet\n\n then the portlet definition ID would be \n\nMyPortletApp.MyFirstPortlet\n\n 2 Portlet Preferences These are the preferences of the portlet itself. There may be zero or more preferences. PORTLET.