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  • Installation guide V1

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h1. Esup Lecture Portlet - Installation Guide

Auteur : Bourges Raymond - Bouteille Gwénaëlle ([University of Rennes 1|])

h1. Important note

Because of uPortal limitation before 2.6.1 release in session     objects management esup-lecture may produce null pointer exceptions     randomly. For this esup-lecture, since 0.9.0 release has a full support of     servlet mode. Please see "Servlet mode" section for more     information.

h1. Installation

* Download esup-lecture-<version>.zip from [the projectsite|]
* Unzip the file somewhere on a working directory
{note}To configure this application you have to adapt some             configuration files. Every time you will find a             <fileName>-example.<extension> example file that you             can copy to <fileName>.<extension> before             adapting.

* Adapt
* Adapt properties/ for exception handling         configuration, SMTP configuration and database confuguration.
{note}By default, exception reports are also sent to an archived             bugs mailing list, accessible to the developers of the project             only. This feature is used to be warned of all the possible             exceptions occuring on the applciation anywhere; this way, most             bugs can be corrected as soon as they happen. If you do not want             the exceptions to be sent to this list, you can manually set             property doNotSendExceptionReportsToDevelopers to true.

* Test your configuration:
** ant test-config
** ant test-smtp
** ant test-database

* Initialize your database if necessary (first         installation):
** ant init-data
{note}{*}This Command will erase all existing data in your database \!\!\!\!*
Your database (configured in must                   exists.

* Deploy the application:
** ant deploy

* Configure a new context in your application server. For example         with Tomcat create a LecturePortlet.xml file in the Toncat         conf/Catalina/localhost subfolder with content like this:
<Context path="/esup-lecture" docBase="D:/esupdev/esupdev-2.5-esup-2/uPortal-quick-start/webapps/esup-lecture" />

* Configure your portal to reference this portlet. For example         with uPortal you can use channel manager as shown here:
{note}Portlet definition ID is very important. Here it is _esup-lecture.esup-lecture._ Fisrt esup-lecture             must be equal to the appliation server context name and second             esup-lecture must be equal to the portlet-name of the             WEB-INF/portlet.xml file.
If you don't use this default value you have to adap the             "portlet-guid" parameter of "The esup-lecture portlet servlet"             servlet in the WEB-INF/web.xml too.
{note}You can specify a preference with name "context" here too.             See chapter 2.2.1 about context id for more information about             this.
{note}If you don't use channel manager you can use a xml Portlet         definition file. You can use this file with an uPortal ant target like *ant uportal.pubchan \-Dchannel=lecture-portlet.xml*.         For this, you have to save a *lecture-portlet.xml* file in the folder *properties/chanpub* of your         uPortal distribution. This is an example of *lecture-portlet.xml* file         :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE channel-definition SYSTEM "channelDefinition.dtd">


    <desc>Esup-Portail lecture portlet</desc>






        <!-- The syntax of the portletDefinitionId is [portlet-context-name].[portlet-name] -->
            <description>The syntax of the portletDefinitionId is [portlet-context-name].[portlet-name]</description>

            <description>The "context" Portlet preference in relationship with context@id of the esup-lecture.xml file</description>



h1. Configuration

You can configure your application. For this: adapt file(s) in     properties directory and use *ant deploy* to deploy again     your application.

h2. Technical configuration

Adapt to your environment these configuration files:
* *logging/* for logging           configuration
* *esup-lecture.xml* for global           configuration
h3. esup-lecture.xml

This file contents some global configuration properties:
* element *guestUser* in *esup-lecture.xml*:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE channelConfig SYSTEM "lecture-config.dtd" >
*guestUser* is an optional propertie. Default value is "guest".
If current connected user name equals *guestUser{*}property then all controls used for             personalisation (change tree size buttons, mark an item as read             button, edit button, etc.) are hidden.
This is used in Portlet mode when esup-lecture is used in a             portal unauthenticated view.

h2. Content configuration

To adapt to your environment, edit these configuration       files:
* *esup-lecture.xml*: main configuration file.           Contexts and CategoryProfiles definition.
It also deals with *<category>.xml*:           remote xml file referecend by CategoryProfiles.
* *mappings.xml*: declarations about xslt           transformation for interface display
* *portlet.xml*: it needs declaration of portal           user attributes used by Lecture Portlet
* *auth.xml*: auth configuration
{note}XML Elements or attributes not explained here (but in dtd)         implements features that are not yet supported.
h3. esup-lecture.xml and <category>.xml


These files describe contexts, category profiles and userId         definition. Here is the structure of this file (for more information,         look at dtd *lecture-config.dtd*):
* element *channelConfig* in *esup-lecture.xml*:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE channelConfig SYSTEM "lecture-config.dtd" >

  <!-- contexts definition -->
  <context> ... </context>
  <context> ... </context>

  <!-- category profile definition -->
  <categoryProfile> ... </categoryProfile>
  <categoryProfile> ... </categoryProfile>

* element *context*:
   name = "Démonstration Esup-Lecture"
   id = "default">
   <description>Context de démo</description>
   <refCategoryProfile refId="demo1"/>
   <refCategoryProfile refId="demo2"/>
Here are defined context _with:_
* _id_ (You can use a specific                   context by configuring your portlet with a portlet                   preference. This portlet preference must have a name                   "context" and a value equals to the id you want for this                   portlet. If you don't define any context preference for your                   portlet then context with id "default" is used. With this                   mechanism you can define many channels with many contexts                   definitions in your portal environment with just one                   instance of the portlet.
{note}Before uPortal 2.5.4, because of a bug ([|])                       you can't use this feature.
* _name_ (displayed on                   interface)&nbsp;
* _description_ (displayed on                   interface)&nbsp;
* _refCategoryProfile_ references on category profile declared in this context (using category profile id)You can declare as many category profiles as you             want in a context. Each category profile must be defined in an             element categoryProfile. A same             categoryProfile can be declared in many contexts.&nbsp;
* element *categoryProfile*:

<categoryProfile   name="Categorie de démo"
   ttl = "3600"
   timeout = "3000">
   <visibility> ... </visibility>
Here are defined category profile _id_, _name_, and
** _urlCategory_ : url to get back a                   xml category file on a remote server -see after for its                   description-&nbsp;
** _trustCategory_ ( yes \| no ) : If                   it is _"yes"_, visibility rights used are                   those of remote category and sources. If it is _"no"_, visibility rights on category and                   sources used are those of this category profile, defined in _visibility_ element.
** _access_ ( public \| cas ) : access                   of the category is _public_ or _cas_ because it needs CAS proxy ticket                   for authentication \-not yet supported -
** _ttl_ (seconds) : time to live of                   the remote category and its sources
** _timeout_ (milliseconds) : time                   trying to get the category
** _visibility_ : define group                   visibility for category referenced by this category profile.                   It is used only if _trustCategory_ is set                   to "no"

* element
   <!-- allowed and autoSubscribed not yet supported -->
      <group name="local.0"/>
      <group .../>
      <regular attribute="sn" value="user" />
      <regular .../>
In this element, you define 3 groups of             visibility \;
*\* _allowed_ : user inside are                   "allowed" to subscribe to a category - not yet supported                   -
** _autoSubscribed_ : user inside are                   auto subscribed to this category and is allowed to                   unsubscribe - not yet supported -
** _obliged_ : user inside are                   automatically subscribe to this category and can't                   unsubscribe - for the moment, it is the only way for users                   to see category -

A user is in a visibility group by two ways :
** _group_ : user is in the portal                   group referenced by attribute _name_, in                   the example : user in in group "local.0" - see "portlet.xml"                   section.
** _regular_ : user check regular, in                   the example : user value of portal attribute "sn" is "user"                   - see "portlet.xml" section.

* element
{span *category{*}in xml category file             (describe by dtd
{span:class=command} *category.dtd
{span}*), provided by             remote server, requested by _urlCategory_ of             esup-lecture.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE category SYSTEM "category.dtd">
<category name="Différents RSS">
  <description>Très belle description !</description>
    <sourceProfile> ... </sourceProfiles>
    <sourceProfile> ... </sourceProfiles>
  <visibility> ... </visibility>
A category has a _name_ and a _description_ (displayed on interface),             and
** a list of _source profiles_
** _visibility_ : define group                   visibility for this category. It is used only if _trustCategory_ attribute of referencing _categoryProfile_ is set to "yes" else                   visibility of category profile is used - optional -

* element
{span} *sourceProfile* in xml category             file :
  id="un" access="public" name="Incidents techniques Rennes 1"
  specificUserContent="no" url="">
  <visibility> ... </visibility>

A source profile has an _id_, a _name_ (displayed on             interface) and  \
*\* _access_ ( public \| cas ) : access                   of the source is _public_ or _cas_ because it needs CAS proxy ticket                   for authentication \-not yet supported -
** _specificUserContent_ ( yes \| no) :                   if it is "yes", source content is specific to user. If it is                   "no", source content is the same for every users (If your                   configure with "yes" then application assumes that content                   can be deferent for each user (may be because of specific                   content due to profiling according to authentication). In                   this case application doesn't use any cache for the source.                   So be careful before use "yes" for this property.)
** _url_ : url to get xml stream of                   the source
** _timeout_ (milliseconds) : Time                   trying to get the source. Parent category timeout is used is                   it is not defined here
** _visibility_ : define group                   visibility for source refered by this source profile. It is                   used only if _trustCategory_ attribute of                   referencing _categoryProfile_ is set to                   "yes" else visibility category profile is used - optional                   -
{note}Be carefull to manage unique id for every sources                 profiles defined in categories : application does not yet                 manage it.

h3. mappings.xml

: it describes a list of         mappings used to parse xml stream of a source (see
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mappings SYSTEM "mappings.dtd" >
  <mapping> ... </mapping>
  <mapping> ... </mapping>
A source is composed of a list of items that will be parsed to         be all displayed on interface . A mapping is used to define _xsltFile_ and _itemXPath_ to         apply on a source. Sometimes, to define _itemXPath_, namespaces definition are required.         Here is a mapping :
  <XPathNameSpace prefix="rdf" uri=""/>
  <XPathNameSpace prefix="default" uri="" />
* _xsltFile_ : url of the xslt file used               to parse an item
* _itemXPath_ : xpath expression to               locate an item in the xml stream source
* element _XPathNameSpace_ : used by               itemXPath definition - optionnal
* _sourceURL_ : url of the source, key               entry of this mapping
* _dtd_ : dtd of the source, key entry of               this mapping
* _xmlns_ : xml namespace of the source,               key entry of this mapping
* _xmlType_ : xmlType of the source, key               entry of this mapping
* _rootElement_ : rootElement of the               source,key entry of this mapping

Priority to find xslt informations on key entry of a mapping are         : sourceURL, DTD, xmlType, xmlns and finally rootElement.

h3. portlet.xml

All portal user attributes used by portlet must be declared in         the
, here is an example:
  <description>the username of the portal user</description>
  <description>the displayName of the portal user</description>
  <description>the sn of the portal user</description>

h3. auth.xlm

This file (
) is used to         define auth mecanism. For example when using CAS in servlet mode or a         portal in portlet mode:
<bean id="authenticationService"
  <description>The name of the Portal attribute that holds the uid of users, as set in portlet.xml.</description>
  <property name="uidPortalAttribute" value="uid" />

h1. Servlet mode


h2. Introduction

You can used esup-lecture in servlet mode. In this mode you don't       have the notion of Portlet preference and you can't define more than one       context in your esup-lecture.xml file. In servlet mode this context must       have an id with value "context". Example:
<context name="Simple context" id="context">
  <description>Simple context</description>
  <refCategoryProfile refId="rss" />
To used serlvet mode you just have to adapt
before using

h2. Authentication

In servlet mode you can't used your portal for authentication. If       you used CAS you don't have to modify the
file but you have to adapt CAS parameters. For this, you will find       properties (
) in
file. With these properties
{span:class=command}ant deploy
will automatically make appropriate       changes in your

h2. Authorization

Authorizations defined in your
file or provided by news portlet are based in attributes or groups       issued form uPortal. Of course, in servlet mode you don't have access to       these informations naturally. So, you have to install (if not yet       present in your uPortal distribution) esup-portal-ws (see [|]).       After, you have to configure esup-lecture to used this Web Service. For       this, you have
properties in the
file. Finally, you can test the Web       Service with
{span:class=command}ant test-portal

h2. Guest mode

If want to have a guest mode for esup-lecture in servlet mode you       have to define a new context in your application server. You have to       deploy a new esup-lecture in this new context. ???? In this context you       do not use CAS authentication mechanism ?????