Pages enfant
  • Installation guide V1

Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


  • Configure your portal to reference this portlet. For example with uPortal you can use channel manager as shown here:

    Portlet definition ID is very important. Here it is esup-lecture.esup-lecture. Fisrt esup-lecture must be equal to the appliation server context name and second esup-lecture must be equal to the portlet-name of the WEB-INF/portlet.xml file.
    If you don't use this default value you have to adap the "portlet-guid" parameter of "The esup-lecture portlet servlet" servlet in the WEB-INF/web.xml too.


    You can specify a preference with name "context" here too. See chapter 2.2.1 about context id for more information about this.

    If you don't use channel manager you can use a xml Portlet definition file. You can use this file with an uPortal ant target like ant uportal.pubchan -Dchannel=lecture-portlet.xml. For this, you have to save a lecture-portlet.xml file in the folder properties/chanpub of your uPortal distribution. This is an example of lecture-portlet.xml file :

    Bloc de code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE channel-definition SYSTEM "channelDefinition.dtd">
        <desc>Esup-Portail lecture portlet</desc>
            <!-- The syntax of the portletDefinitionId is [portlet-context-name].[portlet-name] -->
                <description>The syntax of the portletDefinitionId is [portlet-context-name].[portlet-name]</description>
                <description>The "context" Portlet preference in relationship with context@id of the esup-lecture.xml file</description>
  • import Since 1.2: Import lecture.css in main portal css page.
    For example with esup skin in a esup-portail package:
    • copy esup.css form update/uPortal/webpages/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/esup to custom/uPortal/webpages/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/esup/skin
    • adap esup.css by adding :
      Bloc de code
      @import url("lecture.css");
    • copy lecture.css in custom/uPortal/webpages/media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/esup/skin
    • use ant init deploy
