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  • Documentation esup-activ v1 (archive)

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LDAP account must have been created previously with another script. For example a PERL script can export accounts from your
human ressources database to LDAP directory every night. Benoît Branciard (Benoit dot Branciard arobase univ-paris1 dot fr) has written
it for Paris 1 University.
These account are created with a null LDAP attribute shadowLastChange, a set of LDAP attributes extracted from human ressources database (name, birthdate, address, ...), and a pre-defined LDAP password, generated by a secret algorithm with a set of these LDAP attributes.

esup-activ first presents a form where the user is asked some personal informations (user ID in human ressource database, user name and birthdate by default).

Next esup-activ uses these information to retrieve the user inactive account in LDAP directory.

Then esup-activ, deduce LDAP user preset password from LDAP user attributes.

The user can now choose a secure password and is given it's LDAP login, mail address and the portal login URL.

Finally, esup-activ updates LDAP attribute shadowLastChange, and LDAP user password.


esup-activation relies on esup-commons, so it can be installed as an described in esup-commons documentation :


You can configure your application. For this: adapt file properties/ directory and use ant deploy to deploy again your application.

You must also modify method : org.esupportail.activ.domain.beans.Account.generateInitialPassword().

Bloc de code

    public void generateInitialPassword() {
        /* TODO : input your password generation algorithm here */
        initialPassword = "initialseed#";
        SimpleDateFormat format =
            new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy");
        initialPassword += format.format(this.birthDate)+"#";
        initialPassword += this.harpegeNumber+"#";
        initialPassword += StringTools.cleanAllSpecialChar(this.birthName)+"#";