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Issu (mais légèrement modifié pour ajouter le port 8443) de “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management”, page 122

Un environnement de production Sakai OAE peut être complexe et éclaté comme aussi simple que de tout faire fonctionner sur une même machine.

Architecture d'un environnement de production possible

Liste des ports :


port 443Standard https port, configured in Apache virtual host entry to forward to 8080
port 8443Custom https port, configured in Apache virtual host entry to forward to 8082
port 8080Sakai OAE application port; if the preview processor is on a separate machine, it needs to communicate with the OAE application server on 8080
port 8082Sakai OAE content port; user uploaded files are delivered on port 8082, rather than on the application code port of 8080
port 25 or 587Outbound email port; port 25 is the standard for SMTP; port 587 is often enabled instead for email submission in order to reduce spam distribution on the standard SMTP port
port 389 or 636LDAP port for contacting the authentication service; port 636 is the standard encrypted LDAPS port; clear transmission on port 389 should be avoided
port 1521Default Oracle JDBC port
port 5432Default PostgreSQL JDBC port
port 8983Solr communication port, if you set up a separate solr server
port 8100Expected port for the preview processor to communicate with Open Office on the same host; this port need not be opened to extra-host communication


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