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  • The ESUP authentication layer

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Commentaire: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The selection of a filter is performed by the router, depending on the agent (i.e. the type of the client: browser, application...), its localization (IP address), the target (virtual) server name and the configuration set by the administrators of the server.



The router

This is probably the hardest think to configure. The configuration is defined in the web.xml file of the application. The different parameters values of the web.xml are defined in the

Let's have a look at the configuration of the web.xml:

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General configuration

Filter name and class - you DO NOT have to modify these values

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Here is the slide.authenticationRouter.filterList which determines the filter order. In the example below the router will first try to match the LDAP filter criteria (defined after in the file) then the CAS filter... up to the UNAUTHENTICATED filter.

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   <param-value>LDAP CAS TRUSTED UNAUTHENTICATED</param-value>

Now you have to configure the slide.authenticationRouter.defaultAuthenticationFilter that is the filter used by default if no filter are finally selected by the router (in other words if - for each filter - at least one criterion DOES NOT matches the request).

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The following parameter is important and will often be let to false. If false, then ONLY ONE filter will be used - the first one matching the request in the slide.authenticationRouter.filterList. If true then every filter matching the request will be used.
Imagine for example that the LDAP and TRUSTED criteria match the request, then the request will be first forwarded to the LDAP filter (for an LDAP authentication) and then to the TRUSTED filter (for a TRUSTED authentication) - and in this order !

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The following sections define selection criteria for each filter. There are 4 sections of 5 criteria whose names finish by an authentication filter name (LDAP - CAS - TRUSTED - UNAUTHENTICATED).

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<!-- LDAP -->


Let's have a look on each criterion in more details.

allowClientIP[FilterName] : if empty then there is no restriction else only requests with one of the given client IP adresses will be forwarded to the filter [FilterName].

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<!-- TRUSTED -->

useSecureRequest[FilterName] : if true then only HTTPS requests will be forwarded to the filter [FilterName].

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agent[FilterName] : if empty then there is no restriction else only request with one of the given client agents will be forwarded to the filter [FilterName]. The agent identifies the type of the client - mozilla, DAVFS... - *Regular
expressions are accepted*.

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httpRequestParameter[FilterName] : if empty then there is no restriction else only request with the given parameters will be forwarded to the given filter (here TRUSTED). *Regular expressions are

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   <param-value>auth=trusted authentication=trusted mode*=*secure*</param-value>

destinationHost[FilterName_] : if empty then there is no restriction else only request with the given destination hosts will be forwarded to the given filter (here TRUSTED). *Regular expressions are

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   <param-value> *</param-value>


Processes an LDAP authentication.

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Filter name and class - you DO NOT have to modify these values

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Let the following parameter to true.

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LDAP directory URL's (the alternate URL is optionnal - usefull if the first directory does not work)

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  • searchbind : The filter will first try to find the connected user, using the given base DN, scope and filter - and then will execute a bind request.
  • fastbind : The filter will try to bind with the given pattern
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       <param-value>SEARCHBIND</param-value> <!-- FASTBIND -->

fastBindUserPattern : Pattern used to build a DN to bind. The syntax is uniqueAttributeEqualsToLogin={0},baseDN

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The following attributes are optionnals and specify the credential to connect to the LDAP if needed.

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The tree last atributes are classical LDAP configuration parameters - you won't have any difficulties to understand them. (clin d'œil)

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<param-value>SUBTREE_SCOPE</param-value> <\!-\- SUBTREE_SCOPE \| ONELEVEL_SCOPE \| OBJECT_SCOPE \-->


Processes a TRUSTED authentication. The easiest filter to configure.

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Filter name and class - you DO NOT have to modify these values

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Let the following parameter to true.

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Trusted password

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Optionnal allowed user list - Let it empty for no user restriction.

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Processes an Shibboleth authentication.

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Filter name and class - you DO NOT have to modify these values

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Let the following parameter to true.

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The slide.shibFilter.localsDomains attribute is a regular expression which describe de locals domains

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The value of the slide.shibFilter.localsDomainsAttribute attribute is the attribute name which will pick up the remote user

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The slide.shibFilter.remoteUserAttribute attribute is the name of the attribute which have the value that will be used to define the remote user value

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The slide.shibFilter.FormatOutOfRemoteUser attribute is a regular expression which indicate de format of the value to the remote user

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The slide.shibFilter.RegexpSeparator attribute is a separator used in the FormatOutOfRemoteUser regular expression

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The *slide.shibFilter.remoteUserAttributeOut
*attribute is the name of the attribute that store the remote user value

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The parameter slide.shibFilter.remoteUserAttributeOutSessionOrHeader allow to choose between the session attributes and the request attributes

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The slide.shibFilter.shibAttributePrefix attribute is the prefix of the shibboleth attributes

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The following parameter indicate if we put the shibboleth attributes in the session or not

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The RedirectFilter is a filter which enable to redirect an url into another.

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Filter name and class - you DO NOT have to modify these values

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The slide.redirectFilter.DestinationHostTrigger attribute is the host name on which the RedirectFilter must be executed

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The slide.redirectFilter.DestinationHost attribute is the host name which must used for an indentification

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