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le Mardi 5 février 2019


Université Paris Descartes
Siège de l’Université
12, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine


Amphi Vulpian


station de Metro Odéon



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09:45 -Apereo & ESUP-Portail Community Update[EN][FR]

Many ESUP-Portail activities are based on deploying open source projects from the Apereo Foundation in a French Higher Education context, and a strong relationship exists between the two organisations with innovative uses and developments of Apereo projects directly contributed by ESUP-Portail members. This presentation will give an update to the ESUP-Portail community on the progress and activities of the Apereo Foundation, ESUP-Portail use of Apereo projects, and why open source is important for education more generally, and especially at this moment in time. Short overviews of key Apereo projects will also be given, including OnTask, OpenEquella and others to introduce systems that the audience may not be familiar with and explain more about who is using them successfully. This session should be of interest to anyone working with or considering Apereo projects, but may be of particular interest to decision makers, CIOs etc.
