Pages enfant
  • Installation guide V1

Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


These files describe contexts, category profiles and userId definition. Here is the structure of this file (for more information, look at dtd esup-lecture-config.dtd):

  • element channelConfig in esup-lecture.xml:
    Bloc de code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE channelConfig SYSTEM "lecture-config.dtd" >
      <!-- contexts definition -->
      <context> ... </context>
      <context> ... </context>
      <!-- category profile definition -->
      <categoryProfile> ... </categoryProfile>
      <categoryProfile> ... </categoryProfile>
  • element context:
    Bloc de code
       name = "Démonstration Esup-Lecture"
       id = "default">
       <description>Context de démo</description>
       <refCategoryProfile refId="demo1"/>
       <refCategoryProfile refId="demo2"/>


  • id (

You can use a specific context by configuring your portlet with a portlet preference. This portlet preference must have a name "context" and a value equals to the id you want for this portlet. If you don't define any context preference for your portlet then context with id "default" is used. With this mechanism you can define many channels with many contexts definitions in your portal environment with just one instance of the portlet.


Before uPortal 2.5.4, because of a bug ( you can't use this feature.

A context have the following attributes :


name (displayed on interface)

description (displayed on interface)

refCategoryProfile references on category profile declared in this context (using category profile id)You can declare as many category profiles as you want in a context. Each category profile must be defined in an element categoryProfile. A same categoryProfile can be declared in many contexts.

treeVisible (yes | no) : If "yes", users can see the left panel (tree of categories ans sources). Yes by default

element categoryProfile:

Bloc de code
<categoryProfile   name="Categorie de démo"
   ttl = "3600"
   timeout = "3000">
   <visibility> ... </visibility>
