Publication de canaux

A développer.

En attendant :


Un canal est un élément du portail contenant une information affichée à l'écran

On peut distinguer les canaux propres à la structure du portail (comme header et footer pour les en-tête et pied de page) des canaux "normaux" (type regular) contenant une application, un fil rss, etc.

Types de canaux


The Image channel simply displays an image. A link my be specified for the image

CInlineFrame Channel

a CInlineFrame channel renders a web page within an inline frame

CWebProxy Channel

This channel attempts to convert well formed HTML from another web server and into XML which can be rendered as a channel in uPortal.

RSS Channels

Renders an RSS feed in the portal using native stylesheet, available as a channel or portlet

CGenericXSLT Channels

Simple XML transformations convert XML documents into channel content. The documents are obtained via URL specified as channel definition.

Remote Channel Proxy

Simple XML transformations convert XML documents into channel content. The documents are obtained via URL specified as channel definition.

Custom Channel

Custom channels, often referred to as "native" channels, are those hosted by uPortal itself. To clarify, custom channels are those written in Java and implement specific interfaces that allow them to be executed within uPortal itself.

Applet Channel

Renders a java applet as a channel

Portlet Example

A Description of how to create and deploy a Portlet

Publication de canaux

Fichiers de publication

Interface graphique