Le fichier */properties/config.properties* indique comment se comporte l'application esup-helpdesk. Le fichier */properties/config-example.properties* donne toutes les propriétés disponibles dans la distribution. D'autres propriétés peuvent être ajoutées à ce fichier et utilisé dans les fichiers de configuration Spring.

{tip}Le fichier */properties/config.properties* est automatiquement récupéré de la version précédente lors des mises à jour.{tip}

Sauf indication contraire, les propriétés sont facultatives. Cette page indique seulement les propriétés requises au fonctionnement de esup-helpdesk.

h1. Connexion à la base de données 

Le pilote de la base de données (par défaut JDBC) : 


Le dialecte Hibernate, par défaut InnoDB :


L'URL de la base de données, par défaut *helpdesk* sur *localhost* :


L'authentification à la base de données, par défaut root/(vide) :


h1. Authentication


\# the name of the portal attribute used to identify the current user,
\# used by portlet deployments only. Defaults to \[uid\]


\# the main URL of the CAS server
\# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


\# Exception handling

\# the log level


\# the email address to which exception reports are sent.


\# Initialization

\# the id of the first administrator of the application, used by ant target
\# init-data. Can be a local user (e.g. paubry) or an external user
\# (e.g. pascal.aubry@univ-rennes1.fr)



\# Set this property to false not to use the LDAP search.


\# the URL of the LDAP server


\# the credentials used to bind to the LDAP directory. An anonymous connection
\# is used when left empty.


\# the base used to search


\# the path used to search users. With the default values, users will be
\# searched in dc=domain,dc=edu,ou=people


\# the attribute that holds the unique identifier of users


\# the attribute that holds the users' display name

\# the attribute that holds the users' email(s)


\# the attribute that will be searched. With the defaults values, if
\# \[smith\] is given as the search token, the filter \[cn=*smith*\] will
\# be used.


\# the filter used when running ant target test-ldap


\# the connection timeout in milliseconds


\# the attributes read when retrieving a user from the LDAP directory


\# the attributes printed by the web interface when presenting several
\# users that correspond to a search to help in chosing the desired user.


\# Portal

\# the URL of the web service that delivers portal user attributes and groups.


\# the values used when running ant target test-portal



\# the host name or IP address of the SMTP server used to send emails


\# the port the SMTP server is running on


\# the credentials used to connect to the SMTP server. An anonymous
\# connection is used when left empty.


\# The charset used when sending emails


\# the values used as the From: field of the emails sent by the application

\#smtp.fromName=ESUP-Portail Helpdesk

\# the name of the bean used to intercept emails when testing the application.
\# set to \[intercept\] when testing and to \[null\] in production


\# the email address where to redirect all the emails sent, only used when
\# smtp.interceptBean is set to \[smtpIntercept\].


\# the (comma-separated) addresses that are never intercepted.


\# the values used by target test-smtp.


\# initial configuration of departments

\# Set to true to make departments available as soon as they are created
\# (the availability of departments can be changed any when after their
\# creation).


\# Set to true to force managers of new departments to fill the time
\# spent on tickets when they close them. This property can be changed
\# for each departments any when after their creation).


\# initial configuration of department managers
\# the properties below are used to set the initial properties of
\# department managers. The properties can be changed any when after the
\# managers have been created.

\# Set to true to make managers available.


\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to manage the
\# properties of the department.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to manage the
\# managers of the department.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to manage the
\# categories of the department.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to manage the
\# FAQs of the department.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to assign
\# tickets to other managers.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to move the
\# tickets they manage to other departments.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to refuse
\# tickets.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to reopen
\# tickets they do not manage.

\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to take in
\# charge tickets managed by other managers.

\# the initial availability rate of managers. This value may be used
\# by assignment algorithms.


\# Set to true if you want the new managers to be granted to make
\# themselves available/unavailable.

\# the properties below are used to determine when a manager will
\# be warned of something happening on a ticket.
\# allowed values are \[Never\], \[creation\] and \[always\]
\# With the default values below, managers will be warned of the creation
\# of tickets in the categories their are member of, and of everything happening
\# on the tickets they manage.


\# selection of departments

\# The name of the departmetnSelector bean.
\# set to defaultDepartmentSelector for all the users to see all the departments.
\# set to xmlDepartmentSelector to restrain the visiblity with XML rules
\# stored in ${xmlDepartmentSelector.configPath}


\# The location of the configuration file used by class
\# org.esupportail.helpdesk.domain.departmentSelection.XmlDepartmentSelectorImpl.


\# default scopes and priority

\# the default scope of tickets. This value is used as the default ticket
\# scope of new departments and can be changed any when after the departments
\# have been created.
\# allowed values are \[PUBLIC\], \[PRIVATE\] and \[SUBJECT_ONLY\].


\# the default priority of tickets. This value is used as the default ticket
\# priority of new departments and can be changed any when after the departments
\# have been created.
\# allowed values are integers from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).


\# the default scope of FAQs. This value is used as the default FAQ scope
\# of new departments and can be changed any when after the departments
\# have been created.
\# allowed values are \[ALL\], \[AUTHENTICATED\], \[DEPARTMENT\] and \[MANAGER\].


\# default ticket assignment

\# the name of the default assignment algorithm.


\# LDAP attributes automatically printed for users that create tickets

\# the name of the attributes that are automatically printed by the application
\# each time a user creates a ticket. Must be a subset of ldap.attributes.
\# leave empty to print all the LDAP attributes.


\# the user id that will be used when running ant target test-user-info.


\# Computer URLs

\# The pattern to use when building computer URLs for GLPI.


\# The CAS service URL.


\# the name of the default computer url builder.


\# Upload

\# the path where the application stores the uploaded files. In clustered
\# environments, all the application servers must have r/w access to this
\# path.


\# the path where the v2 application was storing the uploaded files, used
\# by ant target upgrade. The server that runs the ant target must have r/w
\# access to this path.
\# REQUIRED for the migration from v2 to v3


\# Indexing

\# the path where to store the index files. The server that runs the ant
\# targets rebuild-index and update-index have r/w access to this path. In
\# clustered environment, all the application servers must have r access to
\# the path.


\# archiving

\# the time tickets are kept as tickets before being archived  by the ant
\# target archive-tickets (h=hour, d=days, m=month)


\# expiration

\# the time closed tickets are kept non approved before being approved
\# by the ant target expire-tickets (d=days, m=month)


\# URL generation

\# The name of the bean used to generate URLs. Set this property to
\# \[servletUrlgenerator\] for servlet deployment and \[uportalUrlGenerator\]
\# for uPortal portlet deployments


\# the login URL of the CAs server
\# REQUIRED for both servlet and portlet deployments


\# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
\# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


\# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
\# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


\# the functional name of the portlet in uPortal.
\# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


\# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
\# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


\# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
\# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments



\# The address of the IMAP mailbox
\# REQUIRED by ant target feed


\# the host name or IP address of the IMAP server
\# REQUIRED by ant target feed


\# the credentials used to connect to the IMAP server
\# REQUIRED by ant target feed


\# the folder to read


\# the ID of the target category for the tickets



\# the (comma-separated) clients authorized to use the web service
\# if left empty (by default), any client will be authorized to use
\# the web service (potential security hole).
