
ESUP-Commons est en évolution constante.

Si vous démarrez un nouveau projet nous vous conseillons d'utiliser l'archétype maven ESUP-Blank dans la dernière version stable référencée dans ce document. Cf. Création d'un projet à partir d'un archetype blank

Les versions stables sont celles qui ne sont pas en -SNAPSHOT et dont la date de sortie est notée entre parenthèses



0.3.3 (02/09/2013)

git log V2-0.3.2..V2-0.3.3 --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
ee6d5f9 - Raymond Bourges, 19 minutes ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare release V2-0.3.3
f981145 - Raymond Bourges, 22 minutes ago : Added: getStrings() support in ResourceBundleMessageSourceI18nServiceImpl
5090e05 - Raymond Bourges, 8 months ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

0.3.2 (03/01/2013)

$ git log V2-0.3.1..V2-0.3.2 --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
1c8a559 - Raymond Bourges, 9 minutes ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare release V2-0.3.2
a3c4c00 - Raymond Bourges, 20 minutes ago : fixed: sendtocc now supports intercept
da38660 - Raymond Bourges, 2 hours ago : Unit tests OK
2df6770 - gneuvill, 3 months ago : Update esup-commons-core/src/main/java/org/esupportail/commons/services/smtp/
3e36afd - Florent Cailhol, 3 months ago : Update MyFaces to 1.2.12
7d3c004 - Raymond Bourges, 3 months ago : typo
f703a70 - Raymond Bourges, 3 months ago : Add a readme file (at the moment it contents release instructions)
d22e5b9 - Raymond Bourges, 3 months ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

0.3.1 (16/10/2012)

$ git log V2-0.3.0..V2-0.3.1 --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
1f862cc - Raymond Bourges, 2 days ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare release V2-0.3.1
b9e3b5d - Raymond Bourges, 2 days ago : Change maven release plugin default configuration
c0b6d19 - Raymond Bourges, 3 weeks ago : Fix: loadIntemsInternal is called in forceReload method
4dd1a4d - Florent Cailhol, 6 weeks ago : Infer generic arguments
2da1137 - Florent Cailhol, 6 weeks ago : Add @Override to interface overridden methods
d70fa19 - Florent Cailhol, 6 weeks ago : Fix JSTL dependency in esup-commons2-jsf-trinidad
c1841c7 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : reintroduce artifact scope for spring-test
58e5e86 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : [fix] add setter (and getter) for cacheName field
c6ff0f0 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : Add cacheName Property
1648db3 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : LdapUserAndGroupService (By Pascal Rigaux)
46c24b6 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : setOrClearUserAttribute (By Pascal Rigaux)
69053a4 - Raymond Bourges, 8 weeks ago : invalidateLdapCache and use it in updateLdapUser (By Pascal Rigaux)
c93e678 - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Fix input stream memory leak
4dc2e28 - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Remove dead code
970824c - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Remove unused imports
414d84f - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Remove unecessary annotations
ec42bfe - Raymond Bourges, 9 weeks ago : [PATCH] fix sending HTML body in UTF-8
3dd758e - Raymond Bourges, 9 weeks ago : Change Maven build configuration to target Java 1.6 (proposed by Florent Cailhol)
e8f7bc9 - Raymond Bourges, 9 weeks ago : chmod and ignore files
7e183b3 - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Change primefaces repository location
90ab66d - Florent Cailhol, 9 weeks ago : Remove some maven warnings
89bd88d - Raymond Bourges, 9 weeks ago : [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

0.3.0 (16/08/2012)

0.2.8 (28/09/2011)

0.2.7 (15/09/2011)

0.2.6 (26/08/2011)

0.2.5 (28/05/2011)

0.2.4 (28/04/2011)

0.2.3 (04/03/2011)

0.2.2 (31/12/2010)

0.2.1 (10/12/2010)
