User list not rendered as you do not have the privilege to view user profiles.
Changes in version 2.3.x
Changes in version 2.3.6
- a CConfigException is now thrown when configuration tag /config/first-administrator-id is not correct (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 2.3.5
Bug fix
- NullPointerException when retrieving users with no uid attribute on LDAP searches (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Damien Mascré).
Changes in version 2.3.4
Bug fix
- Tickets with a file attached could not be deleted (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Laurent Ouzir).
Changes in version 2.3.3
Bug fix
- Tickets could not be deleted (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Laurent Ouzir).
Changes in version 2.3.2
Bug fix
- Special characters in the name of uploaded files were not escaped (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Laurent Ouzir).
Changes in version 2.3.1
Bug fixes
- outside users (authenticated with their email) could not leave their display name empty (Pascal Aubry).
- connected tickets were shown on the control panel with filter 'status = OPENED' (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Raymond Bourges).
Changes in version 2.3.0
Bug fix
- users who had created tickets when connected with their email address could not connect again with their local account (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- now take care of Oracle's silly way of storing empty strings as NULL values (Pascal Aubry).
Other changes
- use Hibernate 3.1.3 (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in versions 2.2.x
Changes in version 2.2.2
Bug fixes
- some order attributes were left null by the previous upgrades (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Shijia Qiang).
- the customization classes of departments were not always correctly set (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Lidia Dorsaz).
- add file properties/esup-helpdesk-fragment.xml to help in pushing a fragment (Alexandre Boisseau, suggested by Alain Miniussi).
Changes in version 2.2.1
Bug fix
- upgrading was not possible from version 1.8 (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
Changes in version 2.2.0
Bug fix
- constraint violation when adding a user (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Laurent Ouzir).
New features
- FAQ components can be moved (Pascal Aubry).
- email alerts are memorized for tracability (Pascal Aubry).
- managers can perform actions without automatically sending emails (Pascal Aubry, requested by Olivier Ziller).
- added the Hibernate configuration in exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
- combine all the possibilities for the involvement filter of the control panel (Pascal Aubry, requested by Katy Santerre).
Changes in versions 2.1.x
Changes in version 2.1.0
New features
- added the 'FREE' involvement filter to the control panel (Pascal Aubry, requested by Michel Belot).
- when acting on tickets, users see the users that will be warmed by email (Pascal Aubry).
- managers can close tickets by connecting them to a FAQ item (Pascal Aubry).
- ticket owners can refuse the connection of tickets to other tickets or FAQ components (Pascal Aubry, suggested by Michel Belot).
- added target unlock-index (Pascal Aubry).
- managers can be re-ordered in departments (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- exceptions were not reported when emails were not sent (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Damien Mascré).
- administrators could see actions reserved to managers (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Damien Mascré).
- the visibility was not taken into account when searching the FAQs (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Damien Mascré).
- a (non-sense) default visibility could be set to FAQs (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Damien Mascré).
- added optional property in to allow database mapping on Oracle (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Lidia Dorsaz).
- the default language was always used at the beginning of user sessions (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- files esup-helpdesk_* have been removed from the zip distribution file (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Christophe Caron).
- automatically create the output directory for FAQ exports (Pascal Aubry, requested by Damien Mascré).
- added an encoding parameter to javac commands to prevent from UTF-8 warnings (François Jannin).
- improved ticket monitoring (Pascal Aubry).
- improved Lucene indexing by removing duplicate entries and entries corresponding to deleted objects (Pascal Aubry).
- improved the interface to manage categories, category members and ticket templates (Pascal Aubry).
Other changes
- added the optional configuration tag /config/origins/email-origin-id in CHelpdeskConfig.xml for tickets created with email feeders (Pascal Aubry, suggested by Damien Mascré).
- removed method ICustomDepartmentSelection.getDepartment(). As a consequence, configuration tag /custom/default is now obsolete in departmentSelection.xml (Pascal Aubry).
- added documentation for class custom.userInfo.CXmlConfig (Pascal Aubry).
- removed synchronous indexation (Pascal Aubry).
- now rely on Lucene 1.9.1 instead of 1.4.3 (Pascal Aubry).
- on removal, categories are no more marked as deleted but removed from the database (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in versions 2.0.x
Changes in version 2.0.2
Bug fixes
- All the permissions were not taken into account for the modification of FAQs (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Jacques-Olivier Houen-Farcy).
- the order of departments was not correctly initialized (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau and Bruno Garnier).
- some preferences of department managers were not correctly initialized (Pascal Aubry).
- removed duplicate search results (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sylvain De Féo).
Changes in version 2.0.1
Bug fixes
- FAQ URLs could not be entered with Firefox (Pascal Aubry).
- texts with FAQ URLs were not correctly displayed (Mélanie Mounier).
- now force the destruction of the current context when outside users logout (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Mélanie Mounier).
- special characters were not escaped for the XML export of FAQs (Pascal Aubry).
- Improved the navigation through the FAQs (Pascal Aubry).
- load resource bundles only when needed (Pascal Aubry).
- redirect FOP logs to the channel logs (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 2.0.0
New features
- monitoring invitations are now stored in the database and visible in the history of the tickets (Alexandre Boisseau).
- departments were always presented in alphabetical order, they can now by re-ordered by administrators (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- users can choose to start directly on the control panel page by editing their preferences (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- the preferences of managers for ticket monitoring can now be set with a different priority level for each category of events (Pascal Aubry, requested by Raymond Bourges and Pierre-Antoine Angelini).
- deep linking also works for ticket monitoring and preferences (Pascal Aubry).
- added FAQs (Baptiste Coquelle, Fiona Le Montreer, Julien Le Thuaut and Mélanie Mounier).
- tickets can be deleted from the database thanks to the ant target 'delete-ticket' (Pascal Aubry, requested by Simon Yong Du and Raymond Bourges).
Bug fixes
- when revoking the privileges of manager for a user, the tickets managed by the user were not automatically re-assigned when desired (Pascal Aubry).
- tickets were marked 'in progress' when re-opened even when free (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- URLs sent by email to outside users (i.e. authenticated with their email address) were ill-formed (Pascal Aubry).
- monitoring invitations can now be customized (Alexandre Boisseau).
- managers can add information on closed tickets without reopening them (Pascal Aubry, requested by Olivier Ziller).
- on ticket assignment, show only non virtual categories with members when filtering on categories (Pascal Aubry).
- on ticket assignment, only send a mail when the manager effectively changed (Pascal Aubry).
- added the portal version and user agent to exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
- the preferences pages was split into three pages (Pascal Aubry).
- monitoring on particular tickets can now be stopped (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau)
- added property logs.delete-on-undeploy to make it possible to keep the log files when undeplying the channel (Alexandre Boisseau).
- automatically focus on action messages (Alexandre Boisseau, requested by Didier Henaff).
- sort the control panel on the ticket number (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alain Kermarrec and Jean-Pierre Dussol).
- cache unexpected exceptions sent by email to prevet from spamming effects (Pascal Aubry).
- exceptions thrown while downloading files are now reported correctly (Pascal Aubry and Fiona La Montreer).
Other changes
- now use Hibernate 3 (Pascal Aubry and Alexandre Boisseau).
- Oracle and Postgres support (Pascal Aubry).
- changed the CHibernateChannel framework to use a session-per-request pattern (Pascal Aubry).
- do not use uPortal settings for the language any more to prepare JSR-168 compliance (Pascal Aubry).
- classes CGroup and CGroupMember were refactored to CCategory and CCategoryMember (Pascal Aubry).
- the storage of uploaded files in the database is not supported any more (Pascal Aubry).
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