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Arborescence des pages

Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


  • Invited users now receive only one email (Pascal Aubry, requested by Monique Thomas).
  • Ticket monitoring and invitation emails now have different subjects (Pascal Aubry, requested by Monique Thomas).
  • Added direct ticket access from ticketView.jsp and archivedTicketView.jsp (Pascal Aubry, requested by Monique Thomas).
  • Added a link to the control panel and the bookmarks in daily reports (Pascal Aubry, requested by Gwenaelle Bouteille).
  • Improved the LDAP search (Pascal Aubry, requested by Monique Thomas).
  • Fixed deep links error messages (Pascal Aubry).
  • Improved the spent time UI (Pascal Aubry, requested by François Albert).

Changes in version 3.8.3

titleUpgrading from 3.7 to 3.8

Changes in /properties/

  • Properties hibernate.connection.url, hibernate.connection.username and hibernate.connection.password are not used any more and should be renamed hibernate.connection.jdbc.url, hibernate.connection.jdbc.username and hibernate.connection.jdbc.password, for instance:
Bloc de code
  • To rely on a connection pool (defined at Tomcat level for instance), use (replace jdbc/esup-helpdesk by the name of your own data source):
Bloc de code
  • To use JDBC even from web requests, use:
Bloc de code

Changes in /

  • Property cas.url is not used anymore (already set in /properties/
