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  • commons.css
  • helpdesk.css
  • portlet.css

How can i know which style class I should edit in the CSS ?

Tip : We recommend to make good use of the Web Developer Toolbar (a Mozilla Firefox extension).

Enable the "View Style Information" feature under the "CSS" menu. Then, as you mouse over an element inside the page, the style class associated with it, will be displayed. If you click on a red highlighted element, it'll open the CSS file (in a new tab) right to style class. It's an easy way to find out which style class you need to edit.

"Edit CSS" is the other awesome feature of the Web Developer Toolbar. It will split the window in two panes : the upper one shows the web page, the lower one shows the attached CSS files. This way you can edit any style class you want and see it all happen on the fly. You can even save your changes to a file!
