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Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


titleUpgrading configuration files

This history points the configurations files which where changed between releases. Once the sources installed (see 00 Installation) and the previous configuration recovered (see 04 Upgrading), if one or several files of the changed files have been edited locally, changes should be carefully inspected and added before upgrading the database (ant upgrade).

Changes in version 3.26.



titleChanges in configuration files

The ant task sent-reports is now obsolete, use send-ticket-reports instead.
Administrators should call the ant task send-faq-reports on a daily basis for managers and administrator to get the FAQ updates reports.


  • Added FAQ reports (3.26.0 by Pascal Aubry).
  • Added the selection of recently invited user users when inviting users (3.26.4 by Pascal Aubry, requested by Chritophe Guilloux).
  • Added the selection of recent target categories when moving a ticket (3.26.5 by Pascal Aubry, requested by François Albert).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed hypertext links in canned responses (3.26.0 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Rodolphe Marsolier).
  • Do not try to create existing application users when reading IMAP folders (3.26.1 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Guillaume Colson).


  • Added options to FCK editor (3.26.0 by Pascal Aubry).
  • Improved Google Chrome compatibility (3.26.3 by Pascal Aubry, requested by Rodolphe Marsolier).
  • Added token @SIGNATURE@ in canned responses (3.26.4 by Pascal Aubry).
