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To get rid of them, setup your Tomcat pool as shown here (see this thread in French).

Troubles with Shibboleth

I had a problem with Shibboleth and esup-hepldesk :
Shibboleth worked fine but I couldn't authenticate myself on helpdesk... When I clicked on "Shibboleth" on the hekpldesk's front page, I were redirected to my WAYF and my CAS, but after my CAS' authentication, I came back the front page without being authenticated...
Note : I'm using the helpdesk as a servlet in Tomcat with an Apache front-end.
To solve this problem, you have to add this lines in your apache configuration :

<Location /helpdesk/stylesheets/shibboleth.faces>
    AuthType            shibboleth
    ShibRequireSession  On
    ShibUseHeaders      On
    require             valid-user