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Arborescence des pages

Comparaison des versions


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Commentaire: Migrated to Confluence 5.3



Voir également :



Changes in version 3.2.x

titleMise à jour de la version 3.1 à la version 3.2
  • Une fois les sources installés (cf 00 Installation) et la configuration de la version précédente récupérée (cf 04 Mises à jour), si le fichier /properties/dao/dao.xml a été modifié localement, il convient d'en inspecter les changements et de les répercuter avant de faire la mise à jour de la base de données (ant upgrade).

Changes in version 3.2.0 (coming soon)

New feature

  • Added user bookmarks (Pascal Aubry).


  • Expand the menu when entering a hidden entry (Pascal Aubry).
  • Added the possibility to connect a ticket (to a FAQ or another ticket) on the 'take and close' action (Pascal Aubry, requested by Monique Thomas).
  • Repeated the navigation links of the control panel at the page bottom (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Repain).

Changes in version 3.1.x

titleMise à jour de la version 3.0 à la version 3.1
  • Une fois les sources installés (cf 00 Installation) et la configuration de la version précédente récupérée (cf 04 Mises à jour), si le fichier /properties/dao/dao.xml a été modifié localement, il convient d'en inspecter les changements (diff 3.0 -> 3.1) et de les répercuter avant de faire la mise à jour de la base de données (ant upgrade).
  • Il faut également exécuter une fois la tâche ant compute-statistics, puis configurer son appel automatique asynchrone (cf 03 Administration).

Changes in version 3.1.0

New features

  • Added experimental statistics (Pascal Aubry).
  • Added a direct access to tickets from the control panel (Pascal Aubry).
  • Managers can show the tickets of the categories they belong to on the control panel (Pascal Aubry, requested by Mathieu Cron).

Bug fixes

  • Invited users could not add comments (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Colette Tanguy).
  • Ticket owners could not approve/refuse closure (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Vincent Repain).
  • External users could not authenticate (Pascal Aubry).

Other changes

  • recovered the v2 invitations (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Repain).

Changes in version 3.0.x

Changes in version 3.0.6

New feature

  • Added spam filters (Pascal Aubry, requested by Brigitte Wallaert).

Changes in version 3.0.5

Bug fix 

  • fixed bad ticket extraction on the user interface (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 3.0.4

Bug fix 

  • NoSuchMethodException when approving ticket closure (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Gilian Gambini)

Changes in version 3.0.3

Bug fix 

  • fixed null locale when retrieving user info (Pascal Aubry


  • added an icon to toggle simple/advanced menu (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 3.0.2

Misc changes 

  • added configuration files /properties/domain/departmentConfiguration.xml and /properties/domain/departmentManagerConfiguration.xml (Pascal Aubry)
  • added package services.feed and moved package services.imapFeeding to services.feed.imap (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 3.0.1

Bug fix 

  • fixed CAS authentication bug (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 3.0.0

titleMise à jour de la version 2.3 à la version 3.0

Voir la page dédiée :Guide de migration vers la version 3

titleUpgrading configuration files

The history points the configurations files which where changed between releases. Once the sources installed (see Installation prior 3.30) and the previous configuration recovered (see 04 Upgrading), if one or several files of the changed files have been edited locally, changes should be carefully inspected and added before upgrading the database (ant upgrade).
