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Comparaison des versions


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Commentaire: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


titleUpgrading configuration files

This history points the configurations files which where changed between releases. Once the sources installed (see 00 Installation prior 3.30) and the previous configuration recovered (see 04 Upgrading), if one or several files of the changed files have been edited locally, changes should be carefully inspected and added before upgrading the database (ant upgrade).

Changes in version 3.30

Changed the build tool from Apache Ant to Apache Maven 2

Esup-helpdesk is decomposed in several maven modules.

There is an agregagor pom in the project root which aggregate all modules and all modules share the same parent.

  • helpdesk-batch contains batch classes
  • helpdesk-core contains all classes and part of Spring configuration
  • helpdesk-web-jsf-servlet contains src/main/webapp and part of Spring configuration

Changes in version 3.29.11


titleChanges in configuration files

Property departmentSelector.configPath and files /properties/domain/xmlDepartmentSelection* are now obsolete.

If you were using visibility rules, once upgraded to 3.10:

  • loggin with an administrator account
  • go to the "Department visibility" menu
  • upload your previous configuration (/properties/domain/xmlDepartmentSelection.xml)
  • save to the database


    It is highly recommended to test the upload of your old configuration on a copy of your database.
