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Comparaison des versions


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  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
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titleUpgrading configuration files

This history points the configurations files which where changed between releases. Once the sources installed (see 00 Installation) and the previous configuration recovered (see 04 Upgrading), if one or several files of the changed files have been edited locally, changes should be carefully inspected and added before upgrading the database (ant upgrade).

Changes in version 3.28.



titleChanges in configuration files

After having upgraded to 3.28, please check that the recommended indices are present in your database (indices are automatically created when running ant init-data, but not when running ant upgrade due to a Hibernate bug ). If not run the following SQL commands:

Bloc de code
ALTER TABLE h_acti ADD INDEX i_acti_date (date);
ALTER TABLE h_aler ADD INDEX i_aler_emai (emai);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_tick_id (tick_id);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_crea_date (crea_date);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_arch_date (arch_date);
ALTER TABLE h_cate ADD INDEX i_cate_orde (depa_id, pare_id, orde);
ALTER TABLE h_cate_memb ADD INDEX i_cate_memb_orde (cate_id, orde);
ALTER TABLE h_depa ADD INDEX i_depa_orde (orde);
ALTER TABLE h_depa_mana ADD INDEX i_depa_mana_orde (depa_id, orde);
ALTER TABLE h_depa_sele_conf ADD INDEX i_depa_sele_conf_date (date);
ALTER TABLE h_faq2 ADD INDEX i_faq2_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_faq2 ADD INDEX i_faq2_orde (depa_id, pare_id, orde);
ALTER TABLE h_faq_link ADD INDEX i_faq_link_orde (depa_id, cate_id, faq, orde);
ALTER TABLE h_icon ADD INDEX i_icon_name (name);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_stat (stat);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_crea_date (crea_date);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_last_acti_date (last_acti_date);


  • Added condition external-db to the visibility rules (3.28.3 by Lukas Slansky).
  • Added experimental task delete-all-tickets (3.28.4 by Pascal Aubry, requested by Laurent Vallar).
  • BasicUserInfoProviderImpl now prints the user agent (3.38.7 by Pascal Aubry, requested by Fabien Wald).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the deletion of departments (3.28.0 by Pascal Aubry).
  • Fixed NPE for guests (3.28.2 by Lukas Slansky).
  • Fixed unexisting sequences in the upgrade procedure (3.28.3 by Lukas Slansky).
  • Fixed the LDAP test interface (3.28.3 by Lukas Slansky).
  • Fixed deprecated tags in the visibility rules (3.28.3 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Samuel Duhaupas).
  • Fixed the possibility for users to view archived tickets (3.28.5 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Marc Bousse).
  • Fixed librairies download path (3.28.5 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
  • Users coult not view their own actions when settings the visibility to managers only (3.28.6 by Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Serge Aumont)
