La liste d'utilisateurs n'est pas rendue car vous ne possédez pas les droits d'accès nécessaires pour afficher les profils utilisateur.

Arborescence des pages

Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


titleChanges in configuration files

After having upgraded to 3.28, please check that the recommended indices are present in your database. If not run the following MySql commands:

Bloc de code
ALTER TABLE h_acti ADD INDEX i_acti_date (date);
ALTER TABLE h_aler ADD INDEX i_aler_emai (emai);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_acti ADD INDEX i_arch_acti_date (date);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_tick_id (tick_id);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_crea_date (crea_date);
ALTER TABLE h_arch_tick ADD INDEX i_arch_tick_arch_date (arch_date);
ALTER TABLE h_depa ADD INDEX i_depa_orde (orde);
ALTER TABLE h_depa_sele_conf ADD INDEX i_depa_sele_conf_date (date);
ALTER TABLE h_faq2 ADD INDEX i_faq2_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_icon ADD INDEX i_icon_name (name);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_stat (stat);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_effe_scop (effe_scop);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_crea_date (crea_date);
ALTER TABLE h_tick ADD INDEX i_tick_last_acti_date (last_acti_date); 

* /properties/dao/hibernate/mapping/User.hbm.xml (diff 3.27 -> 3.28 )


  • Fixed the deletion of departments (3.28.0 by Pascal Aubry).


  • Significantly improved the response times by caching Now cache the department visibility rules results (3.28.0 by Pascal Aubry, requested by Raymond Bourges).
  • Significantly improved Reduced the response times of number of database requests when building tree-based pages by reducing the number of database requests (3.28.0 by Raymond Bourges).
  • Added indices to some critical tables (3.28.0 by pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 3.27.3
