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# URL generation

Balise Wiki
\# The name of the bean used to generate URLs. Set this property to
\# \[servletUrlgenerator\] for servlet deployment and \[uportalUrlGenerator\]
\# for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the CAs server
# REQUIRED for both servlet and portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


# the functional name of the portlet in uPortal.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


