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Commentaire: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

See also: Customizing the database connection

The database connection is handled by Hibernate. The properties below (set in /properties/ are used by the Hibernate configuration files /properties/dao/hibernate/hibernate-jdbc.cfg.xml and /properties/dao/hibernate/hibernate-jndi.cfg.xml, as well as the Tomcat configuration file conf/server.xml for quick-start deployments.

titleCreating the database

esup-helpdesk, when running the ant task init-data, creates all the structures (tables) of the database, but the database must exist. It is up to the deployer to create the database and make sure that the database user declared can create structures (tables, fields) and has read/write access to the database.

titleUse InnoDB with MySql

With MySql, the type of the database must be InnoDB.In order to automatically create InnoDB databases, set this property in the MySql configuration:

Bloc de code

Database manager properties


The driver of the database manager (by default MySql JDBC):

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For Postgres use:

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Hibernate dialect

The Hibernate dialect, by default MySql InnoDB:

Bloc de code

For Postgres use:

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JDBC properties

esup-helpdesk always uses JDBC to access the database from ant tasks (asynchronous commands).

URL (required)

The JDBC URL of the database, by default helpdesk on localhost:

Bloc de code

For Postgres use:

Bloc de code

Authentication (required)

The credentials used to connect to the database:

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JNDI properties

esup-helpdesk can use JNDI to access the database from web requests. Using JNDI is recommended in production for performance reasons, it allows deployers to monitor the database load thanks to tools such as LambdaProbe (see 25 Surveillance des applications).

To use JDBC to access the database even from web requests, set this property:

Bloc de code

To use a connection pool set like this on Tomcat in the application context,

Bloc de code
    username="admin" password="secret"
    maxActive="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
    poolPreparedStatements="true" validationQuery="SELECT 1"
    removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60"
    logAbandoned="true" />

Tell the application the name of the pool:

Bloc de code

The application automatically detects its running mode (batch or web) to use JDBC (batch) or JNDI (web).

JDBC connector

esup-helpdesk is configured by default to use MySql, it embeds the MySql connector for Java (mysql-connector-java.jar). To connect to another database manager:

See: The Hibernate documentation


The MySql connector is embedded by default in the distribution.


  • Version 7.4:  pg74.1jdbc3.jar
  • Version 8.2: postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar

Connectors for Postgres can be downloaded from


Any Oracle deployer?
Any Oracle deployer?