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Deep links do not work for a portlet deployment

Description: deep links do not work, for instance clicking on an email link " view ticket #xxxxx " print the error message " Parameter ticketId is missing ".

Solution: apply patch to uPortal.

DownloadException: data is null, can not download

Descrption: this exception occurs in portlet deployments when the download servlet does not share the session of the MyFaces servlet.

Solution: use the emptySessionPath parameter for the Tomcat connector, for instance:

    maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
    enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
    connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"
    emptySessionPath="true" />

Statistics charts do not appear

Check that the emptySessionPath parameter is correctly set as shown above.

If you get the following error:

InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using 'xxx' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

You have to unset the DISPLAY environment variable before launching the application, as shown on the script (cf 03 Administration ).

There are unused things in the database

Description: upgrading the database structures with Hibernate creates new tables and fields but does not remove obsolete structures. Depending on the version you started with, there may effectively be unused tables and fields.

Solution: Obsolete fields and tables can be removed manually using the following SQL statements:

ALTER TABLE `h_acti`
  DROP `faq_conn_afte_id`;
ALTER TABLE `h_cate`
  DROP `new_tick_assi_cust_clas`,
  DROP `dele`,
  DROP `use_defa_tick_temp`;
ALTER TABLE h_depa DROP KEY FKB6E1B7A912177440;
ALTER TABLE `h_depa`
  DROP `algo_stat`,
  DROP `auto_expi`,
  DROP `comp_url_cust_clas`,
  DROP `new_tick_prop_cust_clas`,
  DROP `tick_moni_cust_clas`,
  DROP `defa_new_tick_assi_cust_clas`,
  DROP `real_cate_id`,
  DROP `use_defa_tick_temp`;
ALTER TABLE `h_depa_mana`
  DROP `tick_moni_crea_all`,
  DROP `tick_moni_crea_mana`,
  DROP `tick_moni_crea_cate_memb`,
  DROP `tick_moni_crea_free`,
  DROP `tick_moni_crea_orph`,
  DROP `tick_moni_clos_all`,
  DROP `tick_moni_clos_mana`,
  DROP `tick_moni_clos_cate_memb`,
  DROP `tick_moni_clos_free`,
  DROP `tick_moni_clos_orph`,
  DROP `tick_moni_othe_all`,
  DROP `tick_moni_othe_mana`,
  DROP `tick_moni_othe_cate_memb`,
  DROP `tick_moni_othe_free`,
  DROP `tick_moni_othe_orph`;
ALTER TABLE `h_stat`
  DROP `tick_crea_stat_last_time`,
  DROP `user_tick_crea_stat_last_time`;
ALTER TABLE `h_tick`
  DROP `owne_disp_name`,
  DROP `depa_labe`,
  DROP `cate_labe`;
ALTER TABLE `h_user`
  DROP `pers_tick_moni`,
  DROP `invo_tick_moni`,
  DROP `lang_id`,
  DROP `html_emai_form`,
  DROP `text_emai_form`,
  DROP `show_new_tick_welc`,
  DROP `embo_chan_tick`,
  DROP `depa_filt_set`,
  DROP `cont_pane_refr_time`,
  DROP `cont_pane_stat_filt`,
  DROP `cont_pane_invo_filt`,
  DROP `sear_page_size`,
  DROP `jour_refr_time`,
  DROP `jour_date_filt`,
  DROP `text_widt`,
  DROP `text_heig`,
  DROP `last_visi`,
  DROP `show_popu_on_tick_clos`,
  DROP `cont_pane_orde_by`,
  DROP `star_on_cont_pane`;
ALTER TABLE `h_vers_mana`
  DROP `inde_upda`;
DROP TABLE `h_faq_dele`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `h_faq_entr`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `h_faq_part`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `h_tick_temp`;
DROP TABLE `h_day_user_tick_crea_stat`;
DROP TABLE `h_hour_tick_crea_stat`;

With MySql, the name of the foreign keys is shown with SHOW CREATE TABLE h_acti; (resp. h_depa); once known, the foreign keys can be dropped with ALTER TABLE h_acti DROP FOREIGN KEY FKB6E0538EF9CD6EB0; (resp. h_depa et FKB6E1B7A961B67C78), cf

In portlet deployment, the menu entries appear as ugly buttons

Description: obviously a problem with CSS stylesheets.

Solution: Import the esup-helpdesk CSS stylesheets from one of the CSS stylesheets of the portal (adapt them to your look if needed).

I am an administrator but I can not edit the categories

In order to edit the categories of a department, a user must:

  1. be a manager of the department
  2. be granted to do it (see the properties of the managers)

Users do not receive the emails normally sent by the application

  1. be sure that the outgoing email is correctly configured (see Configuring outgoing email) and test with the ant task test-smtp.
  2. watch carefully the log files.
  3. be sure that the LDAP attribute that corresponds to the users' email address (property ldap.emailAttribute) is retrieved by LDAP extractions (property ldap.attributes).

Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:14.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

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