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Le fichier /properties/ indique comment se comporte l'application esup-helpdesk. Le fichier /properties/ donne toutes les propriétés disponibles dans la distribution. D'autres propriétés peuvent être ajoutées à ce fichier et utilisé dans les fichiers de configuration Spring.

Le fichier /properties/ est automatiquement récupéré de la version précédente lors des mises à jour.

Sauf indication contraire, les propriétés sont facultatives.

# Indexing

# the path where to store the index files. The server that runs the ant
# targets rebuild-index and update-index have r/w access to this path. In
# clustered environment, all the application servers must have r access to
# the path.


# archiving

# the time tickets are kept as tickets before being archived  by the ant
# target archive-tickets (h=hour, d=days, m=month)


# expiration

# the time closed tickets are kept non approved before being approved
# by the ant target expire-tickets (d=days, m=month)


# URL generation

# The name of the bean used to generate URLs. Set this property to
# [servletUrlgenerator] for servlet deployment and [uportalUrlGenerator]
# for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the CAs server
# REQUIRED for both servlet and portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for servlet deployments


# the functional name of the portlet in uPortal.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for local (CAS authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments


# the login URL of the application for external (email authenticated) users.
# REQUIRED for uPortal portlet deployments



# The address of the IMAP mailbox
# REQUIRED by ant target feed

# the host name or IP address of the IMAP server
# REQUIRED by ant target feed

# the credentials used to connect to the IMAP server
# REQUIRED by ant target feed


# the folder to read


# the ID of the target category for the tickets



# the (comma-separated) clients authorized to use the web service
# if left empty (by default), any client will be authorized to use
# the web service (potential security hole).,

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